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International Arbitration Tribunal and Permanent Court of Arbitration

International Arbitration Tribunal

It is an independent non-governmental panel of independent and impartial experts.

It generally comprises of three members nominated by the Parties (or appointed by the International Arbitration Institution, or by a National Court) on the basis of their legal and practical expertise and knowledge, to render a final and binding award.

💠 Permanent Court of Arbitration

Established in: 1899.

HQ: Hague, Netherlands.

Purpose: It is an intergovernmental organization dedicated to serve the international community in the field of dispute resolution and to facilitate arbitration and other forms of dispute resolution between States.

Structure: The PCA has a three-part organizational structure consisting of:

Administrative Council- to oversee its policies and budgets,

Members of the Court- a panel of independent potential arbitrators, and

International Bureau- its Secretariat, headed by the Secretary-General.


It has Financial Assistance Fund which aims at helping developing countries meet part of the costs involved in international arbitration or other means of dispute settlement offered by the PCA.

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