आप सभी का achieveupsc वेबसाइट पर स्वागत है


Recentlty, Registrar General of India released the data regarding Birth rate, Death Rate,  Fertility Rate, IMR in its Sample Registration System (SRS) bulletin for 2018.

BIRTH RATE :- The Birth Rate is the total number of births per 1000 in population in a year or a particular period.

In present time India's birth rate is 20.0 (It is declined drastically over the last four decades from 36.9  in 1971)
Bihar has the highest birth rate at 26.2 and Andaman and Nicobar Islands has a birth rate of 11.2 at the bottom.
Birth Rate is a crude measure of fertility of population and a crucial determinant of population growth.

The rural-urban differential has also narrowed. However, the birth rate has continued to be higher in rural areas compared to urban areas in the last four decades. There has been about an 11 per cent decline in birth rate in the last decade, from 22.5 in 2009 to 20.0 in 2018. The corresponding decline in rural areas is 24.1 to 21.6, and in urban areas, it is 18.3 to 16.7
DEATH RATE :- Number of persons dying per thousand in a year is called Death Rate.
It is also called Mortality Rate  Mortality is one of the basic components of population change and the related data is essential for demographic studies and public health administration

In the last four decades the death rate of India has declined from 14.9 in 1971 to 6.2 in 2018


entirely urban state, has a rate of 3.3, indicating better healthcare facilities.

FERTILITY RATE :- The total fertility ration (TFR) is number of children expected to be born per women during her entre apan of reproduvtive period.

Infant mortality is the number of deaths of children under one year of age per 1000 live births.
  • IMR has decreased to 32 about one-fourth as compared to 1971 (129).
  • The IMR at an all-India level has declined from 50 to 32 in the last decade.
  • Madhya Pradesh has the highest IMR of 48 and Nagaland has the lowest IMR of 4.
IMR has witnessed a decline of about 35 per cent in rural areas and about 32 per cent in urban areas

Sample Registration System

  • The SRS is a demographic survey for providing reliable annual estimates of infant mortality rate, birth rate, death rate and other fertility and mortality indicators at the national and sub-national levels.
  • It was initiated on a pilot basis by the Registrar General of India in a few states in 1964-65, it became fully operational during 1969-70.
  • The field investigation consists of continuous enumeration of births and deaths in selected sample units by resident part time enumerators, generally anganwadi workers & teachers, and an independent survey every six months by SRS supervisors. The data obtained by these two independent functionaries are matched.

Registrar General of India

  • Registrar General of India was founded in 1961 by the Government of India under the Ministry of Home Affairs.
  • It arranges, conducts and analyses the results of the demographic surveys of India including Census of India and Linguistic Survey of India.
  • The position of Registrar is usually held by a civil servant holding the rank of Joint Secretary.

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